1. Why should I submit my paper to the DJOG?
DJOG is intended to facilitate publication of studies that are not traditionally favored by more established journals without a hefty article processing charge (APC) in open access for profit, typically because the papers present negative findings, are replication studies, protocol papers, case studies, or narrative reviews.
We offer a thorough peer-review process, and proper typesetting and publishing of the paper. The paper will receive its own DOI number, meaning it is fully citable by other journals.
You will also be supporting the grass-roots movement against the exorbitant profit margins of many open access journals produced by the big publishing companies. We believe that since you do the research, the paper should belong to you, and be accessible to everyone - and that you shouldn't be charged extra for that.
2. Can my paper be found on PubMed?
Not yet - it is the intention of the journal to become indexed by NCBI PubMed, however this is a long process that requires the journal to have been active for some time. When DJOG becomes indexed by PubMed, papers published at least 2 years prior will be included in the process, and hopefully this means all prior publications will be included.
All articles are indexed in Google Scholar and are therefore easy to find on the internet.
You can make your articles more visible by linking your account on the DJOG webpage to ORCID, or posting your published article on Researchgate. We also highly recommend that you make a 3 minute video abstract of your paper, once published which we then upload to the DJOG official youtube channel.
3. What are the article processing charges (APC)?
Papers accepted for the first issues of DJOG will not be subject to article processing charges. We expect that as soon as DJOG becomes indexed by PubMed, we will introduce an APC that reflects the average costs of processing each paper, but without generating a profit. We expect that the nominal rate will be around 270 - 400 euros.
4. For how long will my paper be available online?
Forever! DJOG uses the Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve copies of any published papers in the journal, even in the case of the journal ceasing operations.
5. How does the peer-review process work at the DJOG?
We conform to a double blinded review by your peers. The reviewers will not be informed of your name and you will not know the identity of the reviewers. At least two reviewers perform the peer-review, and at least one of those is an external reviewer appropriate for the subject and is not part of the editorial staff. One or two peer-reviewers may be internal reviewers from the editorial team or editorial board. Once the first review reports come in, the managing editor in charge of your submission assesses whether or not the comments from the reviewers should warrant a rejection or if the authors should be given an opportunity to respond and revise the manuscript. Ultimately, the managing editors make suggestions to the editor-in-chief on wheather or not the manuscript should be rejected or accepted.
6. Can I send a pre-approval inquiry to the editors for my manuscript?
Yes, you're welcome to write to us if you have a paper you are working on or have an idea for a paper, to see if we are interested. However, our pre-approval is not binding and your paper may still be rejected once we receive it or after peer-review.
7. Editorial policies and conflicts of interests
We require all authors to clearly state their conflicts of interests, and these will be stated in any final publication. If you are in doubt of wheather or not you have a conflict of interest, please contact the editorial staff.
Editors and members of the editorial board who wish to submit manuscripts to the journal are welcome to do so but are kept out of the editorial process: they are not privy to the identity of the peer-reviewers as the OJS system handles this automatically.
We will not intentionally seek out peer-reviewers who are friends or coworkers of the authors, and will request additional peer-review if we become aware of any such associations.
Any allegations of research misconduct brought to our attention will be taken seriously, regardless of them being pre- or post publication. The identity of the individuals making the claims will not be made public or known to the authors of the manuscript. We will follow the guidance of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) depending on each case. If after this process, the editors and editorial board conclude there is suspicion of intentional research misconduct, the paper will be retracted and authors may be reported to the Danish committee regarding research misconduct (NVU) or a comparable entity in the authors' country of residence.
8. Open Citations
DJOG deposits citation data openly with CrossRef and and is a member of "Cited-by".