DSOG Guideline Bulletin: Diagnostic approach for patients with endometriosis
Main Article Content
The aim of this guideline was to update an existing guideline from 2012. An update was evident due to the scientific progress and political focus on endometriosis in recent years. Based on recent evidence, we aimed to provide clinical recommendations for training and use of ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography, and diagnostic scoring systems, as well as diagnostic considerations when evaluating patients suspected for endometriosis.
Current literature was searched for consensus and discrepancies. A total of eight research questions were formulated to review different aspects, when diagnosing endometriosis. The level of evidence was graded according to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence and up- or downgraded depending on the study quality.
According to the current literature, no diagnostic imaging tool can replace histologic verification of endometriosis except ultrasound when diagnosing lesions in the abdominal wall. Skills for diagnosing endometriosis in the posterior compartment with transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) can be achieved within 50-60 scans. TVUS seems equivalent to MRI when endometriosis is suspected in the vagina, the sacrouterine ligaments, the rectovaginal fascia, and the rectosigmoid. Additionally, ultrasound has a high sensitivity for diagnosing endometriotic lesions in the abdominal wall, while MRI seems superior for deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) in the bladder, the ureter, the lumbosacral plexus, lungs and oral segment of the colon starting from the rectosigmoid. No biomarkers are currently recommended for diagnosing endometriosis. When considering bowel involvement, 60-96% of DIE in the colon is localized in the rectum with decreasing rates in the oral segments with a prevalence of affected appendix of 2.6-4.1%. Measuring the distance from the anocutaneus transition to the nodule is feasible with TVUS. The most promising grading systems for endometriosis are the EFI, #ENZIAN and AAGL scoring systems. The level of evidence across studies ranged from 1b to 5.
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